Today, we look at strategy provider - “SeriesA”. This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is 729.28% and has a total of more than 8,294.10 pips.


Their account has been running for around 11 months and 3 weeks. I would consider them as a medium risk trader, as their Maximum Drawdown is only at 31%, which is quite balanced with an average return of 15.08% per month.


For strategy followers who are looking for a medium-risk strategy provider, you should consider “SeriesA”. If you observe their trading statements, you will notice that they use a combination of day trading and swing trading strategies, with an average profit of 7.52 pips. It seems like they do not set a stop loss though from their trading statements.


Their results look impressive as they have not suffered any losses since they started on the CopyPip platform.



As mentioned above, their average for all their trades is at 7.54 pips. This means that as a Strategy Follower, the 0.7 pips commission CopyPip charges will be negligible.


Lastly, they often trade in GBP as base currency. I would advise you to use a comfortable capital to follow them. However, do give yourself some buffer, in the case that they allow their losing trades to float to an unprecedented level.  



Fullerton Markets Research Team

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