Here's 52 questions on Forex! Test yourself - how much do you REALLY know?
- Do you know that you are involved in FOREX even when you are not trading it?
- Do you know that by trading FOREX, you are trading the economies of countries?
- Do you know that the left hand side of the currency pair is always valued at 1?
- Do you know that CHF stands for Confoederatio Helvetica Franc?
- Do you know that FOREX was only accessible to the big players such as banks and MNCs in the past?
- Do you know that by using leverage, a mere $250 can control up to $100,000 in FOREX?
- Do you know that there are no taxes in FOREX trading?
- Do you know that your trading strategy is the LEAST important in FOREX?
- Do you know that ANYONE can be successful in FOREX trading?
- Do you know that Forex is the largest financial market in the world?
- Do you know that trading more frequently does not equal to more profits?
- Do you know that the British Pound was the reserve currency of the world before the US Dollar?
- Do you know that no one has ever succeeded in fighting with the FOREX market?
- Do you know that you can make more in one trade than what the banks give you in a year?
- Do you know that compared to stocks, there is no insider trading in FOREX?
- Do you know that if the EURO moves a mere 5 cents in a EUR/USD trade, you would make USD5,000?
- Do you know that George Soros made a cool ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN ONE DAY in 1992 from the FOREX Market?
- Do you know that Forex trades over 5 trillion US dollars in a single day?
- Do you know that Forex has the HIGHEST leverage compared to all other financial instruments?
- Do you know that global Forex trading starts in Wellington and ends in New York everyday?
- Do you know that London is the world’s largest financial centre?
- Do you know that Singapore handles the LARGEST Forex volume in Asia?
- Do you know that unlike the stocks, futures or options market, FOREX is not controlled by any central governing body?
- Do you know that you can grow $10,000 to ONE MILLION DOLLARS safely in 5 years by making just 3 profitable trades a month?
- Do you know that you DO NOT need to pay middlemen in FOREX?
- Do you know that 80% of all global FOREX trades are speculative?
- Do you know that the FOREX Market is large enough to pay every person on the planet 600 US Dollars DAILY?
- Do you know that you can make a profit in FOREX regardless of market direction?
- Do you know that all you need in trading FOREX is a laptop and an internet connection?
- Do you know that the US dollar is the most traded currency worldwide?
- Do you know that the US dollar and Gold move in opposite directions most of the time?
- Do you know that gold prices hit an all time high of USD1917 an ounce in August 2011?
- Do you know that the FOREX Market is open 24 hours a day from Mondays to Fridays?
- Do you know that oil prices hit an all time high of USD147 a barrel in July 2008?
- Do you know that you can start trading FOREX with just USD100?
- Do you know that Asia is poised to be the centre of world wide wealth in the next 10 years?
- Do you know that in 2003, Daimler Chrysler made more money in FOREX than it did selling cars?
- Do you know that in June 2008, the exchange rate of the new Zimbabwe dollar was 6,164,500,000 Zimbabwe dollars per 1 U.S. dollar?
- Do you know that the FOREX Market is 50 TIMES LARGER than all the global futures market COMBINED?
- Do you know that if I paid you USD1,000 per second, it would take me 112 years to pay you what the FOREX Market trades in A DAY?
- Do you know that you can NEVER LOSE more than what you started your FOREX account with?
- Do you know that most banks make about 50% of their income through the FOREX Market?
- Do you know that compared to 8,000 stocks in the US equity market, there are only 7 major currency pairs in the FOREX Market?
- Do you know that oil prices are positively correlated to the Canadian dollar?
- Do you know that you can practice on a FREE demo account before trading in a LIVE account?
- Do you know that it takes you less than a minute to enter a FOREX trade?
- Do you know that the daily FOREX volume is BIGGER than the COMBINED ANNUAL GDP of Australia, South Korea, Denmark, Switzerland and Sweden?
- Do you know that 5 million traders can draw 1 million dollars each from the FOREX Market DAILY?
- Do you know that the Japanese Yen is considered one of the world’s most popular safe haven currencies?
- Do you know that over the next few years, the FOREX market is poised to hit a mind-boggling 10 trillion US dollars daily?
- Do you know that there are only 3 decisions to make when you trade Forex – Buy, Sell or Stay Out?
- Do you know that on 15th January 2015, the Swiss Franc strengthened 40% in 3 hours?