Crude Oil Specifications

Symbol WTIUSD (US Crude Oil).
Contract Size 100 Contract Size of WTI/USD on Fullerton Markets is equivalent to 100 units of WTI/USD
Minimum Lot 1 The minimum lot size on Fullerton Markets is 1 lot which is equivalent to 100 units of WTI/USD
Incremental Steps 1 The minimum incremental lot size on Fullerton Markets is 1 lot, which is equivalent to 100 units of WTI/USD.
Maximum Lot 250 The maximum lot size on Fullerton Markets is 250 lots, which is equivalent to 25,000 units of WTI/USD.
Denominating Currency USD
Server Time GMT +2
Daylight Saving

Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT)

GMT +2
USA In Eastern Standard Time

GMT +3
USA In Eastern Daylight Time

GMT +2
USA In Eastern Standard Time


10 March 2024


3 November 2024




GMT +2 USA in Eastern Standard Time

12 March 2023


13 March 2022


GMT +3 USA in Eastern Daylight Time

7 November 2023


7 November 2022


GMT +2 USA in Eastern Standard Time


Trading Hours
(Server Time)
  • Opening: Monday 01:00
  • Closing: Friday 24:00
  • Break: Friday 00:00 to 01:00
Charts Fullerton Markets follows New York market close (5 Daily candles a Week).


Swaps = (lots * [Swap in points] * Point Size)
Fullerton Markets Swap Rates are competitive Bank Swap rates offered by our extensive liquidity partners. The swaps on MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 are calculated based on points.


3 Times Swap: Wednesday
Oil CFD contracts are deliverable on T+2 (Trading day +2), to accommodate for Saturday and Sunday. The bank charges 3 times the normal swap rate on Wednesdays.

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